Tuesday, September 9, 2008

to the rythm of our heartbeat.

today, you surprised me!

it isn't nice to force yourself into studying a subject which is not among your favourite on the night of your birthday. well, that was what i had to do, study history last night and get the facts into my head. i memorized, and memorized & memorized. no, i don't understand history. but I've to admit,certain parts do interest me. (:

but on a positive note, I was accompanied by messages that made me stay awake and burst into laughter once every now and then while memorizing those facts that i do not seem to understand.
you would have thought i went hysterical if you were sitting next to me.

and my family sort of surprised me. they went out & got me a cake while i was breaking my nerves,veins, muscles & everything else that can be exaggerated when studying history in my room. i become anti-social when i have to get facts into my head. my sister then came into the room and asked me to go out. my reply will make your jaw hang for a good two minutes and or make you laughed non-stop or you would probably react like how the kawan baik did, stare at me and question me. but but, I'm not telling you what my reply was. some sister of mine closed my eyes & i was guided into the living room or actually the dining table. when i opened my eyes, sitting in front of me was a birthday cake and the lights were all out. ;) thank you to the family!

and then today,woke up early to study more history. went to school and the one and only partner in crime gave me something so cute. it's it's it's a kaleidoscope from japan? thank you, i really like it. never expected something so cute like that from you, mr.ashman! ohh and the letter you wrote, so touching. :smiles with teeth: xD i have always enjoyed your company as well. & i do like teasing you around. but, i don't really actually get annoyed when you talk about _______.

then there's the ex-head prefect, faiz effendy. that boy, hehe thank you too for the present. but what took my breath is the little card. though small in size, the contents made me melt. so sweeeeeeeet. and his effort in going around asking every form 5 senior prefect to sign that card while hiding it from me, so sweeeet! (: you're my guardian angel too! saya sayang kp.

during reccess, some three kawan baik made us do something. something sweet.

& you boy, you surprised me today & you swept my feet of the ground!

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