Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Dear blog/me,

I don't know why but I don't seem comfortable with the layout of this blog. Or maybe I do know why. It's maybe, perhaps; I'm just guessing, because I'm too fickle minded and particular about these kind of things. =/ Oh well. Life has to go on and this blog ain't gonna come alive one day. Better be more caring, loving and pay more attention to those that are alive and to those that God has placed in my life.

It's the ninth month of the year already! Another 3 over months till Christmas! (:
Should cut down on the time spent day dreaming/scribbling/doing things unworthy of my precious time and start preparing for the next phase.

This feels unusual as I haven't been blogging in more that 2 lines lately. Wonder where my "like-to-post-lengthy-detailed-and-sometimes-poetic-blog-posts" side went to. :D

Just for the record, today is the day I FINALLY AKHIRNYA got to Skype with my cousin sister after 8562034718 attempts. Phew! Thank God the wait is over.

Good night! (: