In the past 23 days, I have;
written letters to myself for future reading, met up with college friends for lunch, made a birthday card, received a card, went out shopping with my sister, went for a movie with church friends, painted a bag, taught in Sunday School, fed the Sunday School kids with chocolate, chocolate biscuits and more chocolate, registered for a test, paid my high school a short visit, downloaded songs, personalized my own note book, updated my iPOD play list, wrapped presents, bought presents, received presents, printed lots of forms, bought some books, stocked up on stationery, packed and unpacked, attended a cousin's wedding, attended a friend's wedding, visited my maternal grandma, bought uniquely shaped buttons, made new friends, visited my paternal grandparent's orchard, wrapped quite a number of books, cleaned my room, reorganized my books, threw out junk, went for paintball, ate lots of eggs that I probably should stop eating for a while and turned nineteen. (:
Have a blessed day!