Saturday, March 13, 2010

But it will never let me go.

You know what hurts?

The fact that YOU can't see yourself pushing yourself forward in doing better, in achieving more, in performing excellently eventhough you have to. You NEED to. You know your limits, but then again you lie to yourself and believe that you can do better in something that you are totally not meant to do, but maybe now is not the time. Stop being your old self. You need to change, you need to stop thinking about other people's opinion and you definitely need to stop going with the flow and trying to make yourself believe that if other people can do it, you can too. Because you know yourself, and if you can't do it, don't force yourself to. Some things are just not meant for you. Believe in yourself, believe in what God has in store for you, believe that you are special and that there are other things that are waiting for you to achieve. Stop pretending to be someone that you are not. It's time to be yourself and it's definitely time to think for yourself. Because if you don't, who would?

Stop hiding from the truth, stop running away from your failures.

Face it, deal with it and make use of it in achieving success. You have a long way to go and you're too young to give up. Look around you, everyone can be your teachers in one way or another. But it all depends on you.

Do what is wise, do what you need to do; because this time, you can't follow your heart anymore.
Think smart and remember, cast all your worries onto God.

What's important is what you think of yourself and what God has blessed you with. Be thankful with everything you have and be grateful that you are given a last chance.

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