Wednesday, January 21, 2009

sailing against the wind.

Yet again, things happened.

This time, I can't assure myself that it happened for a reason.

I don't know how they happen, but they happened. And though it has occurred again and again, for many times, like a chain of amino acids forming a polypeptide chain in the ribosomes, this is where the phrase 'the last straw that broke the camel's back' comes in handy. But, I don't exactly feel the slightest bit of hurt. Maybe it's because the wound is too deep and there's just too many wounds there that I just don't feel it anymore. Or maybe I choose to be ignorant. I prefer the latter.

Just something to a friend,

We don't have to be sad, depressed, down or even feel affected by it. I admit, laughing it off is what I did because what more can I do? I'm not going to dwell on whatever they did or did not do to us, I'm not going to cry over it despite the occasional tears that come rolling down by itself, I'm not going to blame whoever or whatever. I just know, a promise is a promise. They have broken theirs and threw it away, and that isn't very nice. That's why I just thought about it, ponder on what happened and laughed it off. Really, I'm not trying to run away from the truth, but it's really not worth it. I don't want to waste my energy or brain cells thinking about it either.

Sail against the wind. What that has been thrown to us and came slamming right into our faces is of course in very simple terms, hurtful. But we shouldn't just go with the flow, follow the wind and cry over spill milk. We shall come out of the box, and just be happy with the rest of the things we have in life. And not forgetting, them. They are still very beloved to us, right? (:
For the bible says,
And you must love your neighbor just as much as you love yourself.

Let's just say, all these problems, all these occurrence and hurt is like the rain. It rains almost everyday and so does all these occurrence, they happened everyday. Although what happened and what we felt is of accumulation from some time back, let's just imagine it as a very heavy rain and a storm. So, just let the rain fall down and let the storm come. Because, when it rains, we get wet, we feel it. After the rain has stopped, the rain water goes away; and we are left dry. Otherwise, it evaporates back into the sky. And that is how I'm learning to deal with it, problems and the likes come to us, filling us until our heads. After a while, we won't see it, it evaporates itself and disappears into thin air although we will still feel an occasional pain or sting. But, hold back on the tears and let's just stop thinking about it okay?

It hurts, I know.


sh3rina (^(@)^) said...

I don't know what to say.. But.. I will just follow you.. Remember the BB sing "I will follow you"

And I will just LAUGH OUT LOUD.. So, can I date you one day and we just laugh everything away??

elisa. said...

don't need for dates. we can just laugh at anytime we want. Just be happy kay?

sh3rina (^(@)^) said...

Sure... Don't worry be happy ma... hahahahhahahaha....,..