Saturday, May 9, 2009

put on our bulletproof vest...

because I don't want us to get hurt, because we have to stay strong no matter what happens. And whatever that we are thrown with at this time, we have to keep our faith going and be there for each other yea!
because we are all a family.

yesterday, my maternal extended family lost someone very dear to us all. but no matter what it is, I'm assured that my uncle is with God right now in a place without grief and pain but filled with pure joy and happiness.
you can skip the following part of the blog post, it's just a reply to my cousin because it'll be a very long reply for a comment. (:

The sad part:: yes, also pray that those who are there with her will be able to encourage her and that she'll find the strength to pick herself up again to continue on.

The peculiar part:: looks like someone's clothing is getting valuable. and priceless. I wonder why would anyone want to steal those?

The good part:: Congrats!!!!!! We shall celebrate today yea! Although when the time comes for you to see this post, we would have already celebrated it. Also we would have probably done so much priceless cousin stuff together with our dear shy cousin that our legs are all sore but nevertheless is so happy and satisfied that we decided to reserve this day just for ourselves. Except for you lar who have been starting your days in the evening. Teeheee. But you better start adjusting your biological clock again, because next weekend, you can't afford to wake up at such ungodly hour. You know why right? ;)
But you always do well, and I'm proud of thee. *hug*

The fun part:: And we're going to watch one of those two again today ...... right?
I'm sure both you and I will have more to write about today under this category because it's going to be fun & memorable!

The yellow part:: Finally! Someone starts eating more papaya. XD I remember last time when I used to offer you papayas, you'll always opt for watermelons. Come join the papaya family. hehe.

The driving part:: This I can't wait. Really.really.can't.wait. It's 11.04 now, so there's another 1 hour and 25 minutes to go. No, my math isn't bad, if you get what I mean. Hmm..shall I record another video?

The aberrant part:: Oy! hehe. You better start adjusting it back before next weekend comes knocking on your door. Aaaaah! The excitement!

The worst part:: You know,this shouldn't be labeled as the worst part. because He never forgets you nor forsake you. It should be labeled as the grateful part. grateful because you are conscious that you have been distracted. grateful because He will always be there for you, to lead you and to guide you no matter what happens. grateful because He will never forsake you nor forget you although we as humans tend to prioritize other worldly things compared to Him. therefore, be grateful yea dearest cousin? Nothing is worst in your life. we shall be grateful together!

Now for me to go and get ready to see you! And my 'lame' jokes yet shy entertaining cousin brother. What happened to the older cousin brother who thinks he is DA's look alike? teeheee..

1 comment:

Justine said...

Thank you so much for the "reply"!!! :D Hehe. I appreciate every word. And I had the greatest time yesterday and today! We should do this often...maybe once every month or so? Hehe. Just to catch up and enjoy each other's company. Thanks so much for sparing time to spend the day with your cousins! =) Cousin outings are, hands-down, the best. :) God has blessed me with wonderful cousins and I am thankful. Heehee.