Monday, August 4, 2008

for us.

in the midst of this sweet taste of reality.

Sunday was combine celebration. good time spent, great company & wonderful moments. sat next to joel & sherina during worship & service. (: and i enjoyed myself. puchong did worship and after everything ended as people adjourned for refreshments, the few of us youth who were sitting in a row & wasn't part of the worship team, stayed back and sing along with the team. supportive people. =)

after service, came home to finish up on homework.
someone msg-ed saying that couldn't talk tonight because of certain reasons. ):

went to 1 utama again with mummy and the sister. again, first destination- craft haven. sister got some stuff there and then we went to mph again. this time around, without the cousin sister's up to date recommendations and points of view, i went through every single book and picked out 5 of which i am interested in. in the end, i only got 3 of them after going through with my mum. but, it was nice and good. then then, looked for a place to have dinner. so, we decided on japanese. *favourite* & then, aunty called and we decided to go to klang. on the way out, stopped by a shop which we stopped by earlier to pick up my bag. yeay! a cute bag with a colour that i really like. (: and then off we went to klang. stopped by miss cousin's house for a while and left for dinner. nice food in the new jusco bukit tinggi. =) came home late and knocked out immediately. woke up at the wee hours in the morning to get ready for school and remembered that i had a chemistry test this morning. grab my chem note book as i left home. i actually didn't feel like attending school today but something, a certain something always encourages me. ;) and so i did. chem test was okay, not too hard; despite the fact that i only managed to flip through the pages of my chem notes.

today is totally unexpected. but you know what, i really appreciate and treasure this times. i also thank God for blessing me with these blessings. I'm just feeling happy and glad that I found this source of happiness. Also my pillar of support and comfort. and I'm sure this will be a happy ever after. some of you might know what I'm talking about while some of you might be scratching your head wondering what's happening; but don't worry, when the time is right, you'll eventually know.

waiting for tonight. (: because you know why.

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