Wednesday, October 29, 2008

and in amazement.

Alert: Major Exam around the corner. In less than 2 weeks, to be exact. And I'm still here. -insert cheeky, mischievous grin & semi frown face-

Yesterday, I manage to finish mission #1. Thank you miss cousin for helping out! Hopefully you'll like it.
yesterday, I sat down and wrote the long blog post with sherina. (:
yesterday, someone said someone injured himself. why lar you? Ask your Einstein brother to take care of you. xD
yesterday, the cousin and her friend came over.
yesterday, was the first day of a good friend's major exam.
yesterday, you made me sigh.

and today,
hopefully it'll be a better day. for you, for me and for the whole wide world!

off to study moral. (:

I'm a high school student with a college student ID number. (;

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