Friday, October 24, 2008

your smile spoke for you.

Being one of the only two girls out of a bunch of guys in class today wasn't that bad, in fact it was can i say... fun? Yes, it was. It was exciting, entertaining and hilarious with a bit of humiliation. You don't know what sense from nonsense this people can think of. (:

Bio was amazingly fun because we had our time together, asking each other questions on bio facts. okay, more like the questions from the girls and answers from the boys. but nontheless, I enjoyed. And also because --- you know why.

And then being the not-so-nerdy-pure-science-students we are, we played charades for a while..My goodness, something funny and mind blowing happened.

*boy 2 whispers sentence to girl 2*
*girl 2 tries to act the word out*
*girl 2 does something that blew our minds away*
*girl 1 guesses*
*boy 1 and boy 3 keeps quiet, pretending to not know a thing*
*boy 4 wonders*
*girl 1 gets half of the sentence right*
*all laugh. oh my goodness can be heard! silent screams and laughter starts filling in*
*girl 2 laughs and blames boy 2*
*girl 2 continues acting*
*boy 4 tries to guess*
*girl 1 gets it right*
*boy 1 asks girl 1 a question referring to the answer*
*girl 1 gets a momentarily furious feeling and feels like hitting him*
but, girl 1 still loves you. (:

yes, they're my friends. and I treasure them with all I have.

today is a Friday.

and Friday's are our magical day.
to you, -insertmyinitial- you know what i mean.

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