Sunday, October 19, 2008

snapped out of the daze.

how am I to tell you the truth?
That I've had enough, heard enough, seen enough and am tired of being used as an alternative way out.

I'm tired of being used as an escape route.

I'm tired of being labeled your accomplice.

Maybe it's time to put a full stop in this.

Because lately I have heard more than I expected-both from you and about you, enough to last me for at least a few centuries. It's sad to be in this kind of situation, especially after today's sermon on cultivating Godly friendships. Aren't we all taught to choose our friends wisely, to hang out and stay around the ones of good influence? I have never thought of you as a bad influence, remember that. Also, advices and words have been said which I have denied till now. I tried to stand up for you, and to speak on your behalf. But I guess you proved me wrong at certain points.

You're not that much of a bad person either, it's just that in my opinion, you're not that easy as a person. I know it's human nature to be jealous, to be moody, to be selfish or even to feel as if being neglected. But, have you forgotten that we're all humans and we too can do the same? Just that we all learn to control our feelings and be as happy and contented with what we are blessed with. Maybe you don't realise, but you often have your mood swings and truth be told, I find it hard to entertain you anymore. I just don't have the strength and energy to stay on and bear with you. I pity those you have bullied, you have scolded, you have said things behind their backs and even those that you complain about.

There's something else that I am not comfortable with.

I mean, what's so nice about imitating people? We are all different individuals, with different style and designation. Can't you just stick to being yourself and stop interfering in mine? Are friends made just to interfere our lives? I personally am sure it isn't, what say you?

Though you might be a little less fortunate than the majority of us, but you are also way fortunate than the majority of us. Don't waste energy to complain and spot the weaknesses in those that care for you, return their love and care instead. Trust me, it's more worth it. And they'll appreciate you more.

Do you know why the above paragraph was said to you? Because, perhaps sub-consciously, you have hurt those that cares for you with your words, expressions and behaviors. Not just once, but umpteenth times. And you always label me as your accomplice. Which I am not, I'm just a spectator from the sidewalks when I'm not one of those that you've hurt.

I've had enough and there are more words left unspoken, more sentences to you left hanging.

Running away, hiding in the bush or even being lost in your radar isn't an escape, neither an option nor a solution.

I admit, I'm afraid to confront you.

To stay on or to take a risk?

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